Whats new in yalls part of the world? Bet its not as what kewl as whats happening here!!!!!! I got to Confirm twins into the church and bestow the gift of the holy ghost. What was kewler was watching one of my converts baptising them (being his daughters). So Kewl!!!! Also we have a amazing guest going to speak to the mission. i will keep you updated there. Also We got 4 new investigators this last week. 3 are the members of a investigator family and 1 is a 18 year old kid. they all are super prepared and have been searching for the gospel. the 18 year old Already Feels that this is what he is looking for. It "just makes sense!" We have given him the answers to questions that other ministers and pastors haven't given him satisfactory anwers to before! The Youth know him well and already have befriended him. It is super sweet.
Speaking of the youth, I have said time and time again that the youth hear are amazing and last night was no exception to that statement. Me and my Companion got asked to come and be the guest speakers at a Bishops youth fireside that was foucused on: Prioritizing, Goal and plan making and using time wisely (also known as self management). It what so kewl to see them all respond eagerly to any questions we asked. The New For Stength of Youth Phamplet was given out last night at well. It is so kewl but makes me feel old. It truly is amazing. even more so than before and i still thing the corect title should be For the Strength of You(th) for it is really a guide for us all! I really love the questions at the end of each section. I wish they were there in my....youth (man...i just keep getting older). One more funny part about the fire side when they were talking about temple marrage as one of the Biggest priorities in our lives and the comment what made when they were focusing on the young woman, "You must set your heart on marrying in the Temple and it better be to a Return Missionary! Dont settle for the spiritual migets!!!" The comment was funny and wasent taken as a degradation to those who dont serve but it was ment to show the young women that they needed to set there goals and standards high and if someone dosent share the same high standards they are not worth their time. (the funny part is that it seemed like every eye turned to us when the comment what said. Talk about ackward!!!! Still very funny)
The Letters still arent coming (besides family) and if it wasent for those few i do receive i would be led to think the the west desided to break off an form there own country. but seeing that that would never happen i Know i will be Getting letters soon from all those Friends that love me.
One good peice of news: I have received my 2nd letter from my dad!!!! Woot!!!!!
So yall have a reading assinment: Read D & C 121 and 122 and report to me what feelings you recieve.
I Love you all, I really Do. Just deal with it!!!
-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"
D&C 38:32
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