Monday, December 17, 2012


Dear Faithful Readers,

      Just some weird news i just received that some of you might want to know!

      I will Be speaking in Sacrament meeting on The 13th of January at 11 at the Thomas Building ( 1059 West 100 South
BLACKFOOT, IDAHO 83221 ).   [do you know what that means? it means somewhere in-between now and then, I will be coming home! ahhhhhhhh! )    Where did the Time Go?!?!?!

     Any one who has the time is well come to attend. (any details past that I don't know...try asking my mom).

Now off I go Again Readers!!!

Your Friend,

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

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Monday, October 15, 2012

Thus it is....

Dear Readers,

     So the News you all didn't know you wanted to here.....I was not Transferred!!!! Woot!!! Neither was my Companion.  We get to say another Transfer together!!!! Woot Woot!!!    We will be the cause of the "taking up" of the City of Marion!!!!  Haha!!!!
      So many things are happening right now (its actually quite ridiculousness!).  People are choosing to Change there Lives all over the Place!!!!   I have seen the Sacrifices they are making and Truly Have seen Miracles happen!
      Many miracles are Happening, Brothers and sisters, and the Adversary hates it!!!! He Truly Does!!!! And will Do ANYTHING to Help you Break Your Covenants (or Promises with God), or to keep you from making them!!!! But with the Power of the Atonement We can over come all Evil!!!!
    Brothers and Sisters, I first and foremost want to express My Great Love and Gratitude for you, would let you know you are constantly in My prayers, and would pray that you would take this message to the Brothers and Sisters you Love.

     I would write Concerning this Great Power of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, his Love of us and His gift of his life and death for us.

      The Atonement of the Savoir cannot be fully explained or comprehended but ponder this one question, if you would.

           " Is the Atonement a Free Gift to us? "

                    Think on it….. Now read D&C 19:16-19: (Below)

16 For behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent;

17 But if they would not repent they must suffer even as I;

18 Which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit—and would that I might not drink the bitter cup, and shrink—

19 Nevertheless, glory be to the Father, and I partook and finished my preparations unto the children of men.


            Now, did your answer match that of the Savior's? I believe and hope it did. Alright, we understand the Atonement is not free, but when do we begin to access the power of the Greatest Sacrifice that ever happened?!?!?  Answer: When we make our first Covenant, or promise, with God. We gain access to this cleaning power of the Atonement when we are baptized with God's Priesthood Authority! That's right! At Baptism We Promised to always remember the Savior and to always Keep the Commandments, and in return God Promises us the Holy Ghost; that "it might sanctify us," if we would only receive it.

We also promised at Baptism (and every time we renew our Covenants by taking the sacrament) to take His name upon us.  If we promise "to take His name upon us" at Baptism, when do we Take his name upon us?  Well we take it upon us when we make, and keep, another covenant, this time if the Temple of the Most High God!

"So if you have made covenants, keep them. If you haven't made them, make them. If you have made them and broken them, repent and repair them. It is never too late so long as the Master of the vineyard says there is time. Please listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit telling you right now, this very moment, that you should accept the atoning gift of the Lord Jesus Christ and enjoy the fellowship of His labor. Don't delay. It's getting late."- Elder Jeffery R. Holland 'Laborers in the Vineyard'

      Shall we waste Christ's Sacrifice by not making and keeping the Covenants Required to access it? I Pray not!!!! We Bear testimony that the Atonement is for all; as they do what is Necessary to accept it! And I do so in His Holy Name, even Jesus Christ, Amen!

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Extra Extra !!! Read all about it!!!

Dear Readers,

      Well may i have a drum roll?  thanks!

  I GOT TRANSFERRED!!!!!!  Surprise!!!!!!!! (at least to me!!!!!)

    My New companion is Elder Morley.  He Grew up in Boise and now lives in Highland UT.  Unlike me he has (and probably will only have) 4 areas for his mission. 6 months each....perfect!!!!  I am in the Columbus north zone/stake. I am serving in the second "highest" area in the mission.We only have 1 area more north than us. I am now Serving in the Marion Branch. The Oldest Branch in the Church!!! I believe it was the first formed after Kirtland.  Its quite a fun history to learn.  Elder L. Tom Perry served part of his mission here in the 1940's.  There are currently 3 active ym and 2 active yw.  we have over 60 Perspective elders living in the branch.
    The Branch is still a branch for many reasons but one of the reasons is that the town almost died and now is slowly growing back to heath.  the members all want to make you feel welcome and one lets you eat at CiCi's pizza for free any time.....(this may not be a good thing....)! The Branch wants to Grow. and it will! We already got 2 Baptisms planed for September and many more on the way!!!  This area is prepared!!! Truly it is !!!  

 I live just down the Street for the Gigantic grave/tome of Warren G. Harding 29th President of the United states!!

Now here is my new address: 
Elder Andrew Anderson
251 Barks Rd W
Marion, OH 43302

So Write me!!! (this may be your last chance!)

    The Lord wants us to grow personally, but also as a nation!!!!!  We are Commanded to Build the Kingdom of God!!!! shall we not do so?  Have we not been sufficiently filled with the love of God?  Does God not freely and unconditionally offer his love? if it is so i will say this: "  A man filled with the love of God, is not content with blessing his family alone, but ranges through the whole world, anxious to bless the whole human race !"
(actually....those are Joseph Smith's Words...Credit goes to him)
This is our call! this is our mission! Shall we not answer this Rallying Cry?
I bear this witness in the the name of the son that I shall! Send me!!!  Who shall join me?  The Savior will be by our side!  This is my testament, in his name, Amen.

Well until next time,

RAWR!!! (<----that is "i love you" in Dinosaur)

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

Monday, August 27, 2012

Thus ends another chapter....

Dear Readers,

  First off, forgive me, for my time here is short.  The Work of all works Calls!  Shall I not answer?
  So what chapter am I referring to? I am referring to the chapter in where i Labored with, Endure unceasing trails with, and experienced unmeasurable joy with, my long lost Brother and Friend: Elder Neville, Yea even that one who will soon be known as Brett.   The Talents and skills he was able to contribute out here in Cincinnati with me are replaceable.  He shall be Dearly missed and i will be over joyed the day i get  see him again after this life, even this life of being purely servants to the Lord Jesus Christ.

   As his parting is soon coming....  I have been brought to much reflection on the fact that the Lord has Blessed me with many Friends. Old Friends even back from my Cowboy-ing days.  Friends that have been true blessings to me since my first meeting with them!!! Thou knowest who thou art!  All those who have been friends to me in the best of times but a special Thanks goes to them that were actively there for me in the worst of times.  Friends that have stayed friends. Friends who played as instruments in the hands of God, tho  didn't even believe in God.  Friends who Put themselves through much Pain, Trials, and hardships  to help me stay on the path of Righteousness, to them I will be forever in there debts and they will forever be my heros!  There are many who share their hearts with me because they feel they can trust me; There are many I trust my heart to!  I Pray for my Friends. For they have made me who i am. Through their examples i have become a greater person, Permently Changed for the better!!!! 

  Friends come in every place, size, shape, color, and even Creature. Some of my greatest friends are my family. They will always be so.  I love them so much!!!
  I have one friend that's different than others tho: A friend that is always there, even when all others are absent or fail, a friend who has experienced every thing i have ever gone through, a friend who knows me better than my self, a friend who gave his life for me. His name is Jesus.  He has reclaimed me through his suffering from tragically of sin and life.  

    An amazing Video about The Reclaiming power of the Atonement is Found on

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The Savoir is my Greatest Friend and Can be yours as well.  He is waiting for you to come to him and know him as such. Thus i Testify as His Authorized servant, in His Holy Name, Amen!

 Forever in friendship,

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

Monday, July 23, 2012

"...And i think to my self...."

"...What a Wonderful World!"

Hello There, Readers!!!!

   Just have some quick updates for you all today.  
Made it back from the Ostergar wedding and i am back to being the full sized me....a little bit better-looking and a whole lot more awesome! ;D
My companion, Elder Neville, is staying here in Cincinnati for his last Transfer. Besides that being really awesome by its also means that the chances of me finishing my mission here as well just sky-rocketed!!!!  Sweet!!!!    Its a sweet area to be in. Always work to be done and Living with Members is Totally Awesome. (especially when you have free use of the kitchen! way better than any of the apartment supplies i have  seen or supplied! haha!)   Besides the fact of low miles and that we don't get fed to will be a great stay!!!!. We have been working hard to bring souls unto Christ and thus because of the converting Power of the spirit, many of our fellow brothers and sisters are coming unto the waters of baptism in the month of August!  its going to be great.  We have also passed many soil investigators we have found off to other missionaries because the dont live in out area of are young single adults.  
You know you are old when the mission is doing a huge push on memorizing scriptures and you already have the list completed (or close to it!!!)
The 2012 World Choir Games just finished up in Cincinnati. That was a Kewl Experience. All the different languages. the outfits. travailing choirs.  Reminds me of my very treasured choir days...   brought back good memories.
We also got to teach  at the Midwestern EFY (Especially for Youth).  It was amazing to see youth from some of my old areas, and several other states (even New York!!)!!!!  All Gathered together in the cause of Christ.   What a unforgettable sight!
YOU ARE ALL running out of time to write me!!!!!...( just a little Reminder)
The weather has been wonderfully deplorable.....really.   its way to humid and hot for any sain person to be out in it, even when its raining!!!!   Tho i really enjoy the storms.  I find it easier to work in the rain.   tho with or with out rain you get soaked anyway....stupid humidity!
I am also finishing a huge study/bible Project that i will inform you all about later....its been quite fun....haha!!!
Oh....we also got to speak in primary.....Great Kids.

     Well that's about it.....i think.....yep....thats it.

Take care of y'all selves as i work for the Lord out here in Ohio, ya hear?!?!?

Love you all!
-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Cincy UpDate!

Dear Readers,

     So its been a little while since my last update and for that I am sorry.  We have have super busy!!! Me and my new companion (Picture 1), Elder Neville, have been hitting the streets and knocking tons of doors!!!  We are finding many people and others we are finding through Members Refering their Friends!  Elder Neville is on his second to last fun because we have become like instant friends from the moment we became companions.  Its sweet!
    Another sweet thing: The members we live with are leaving for vaction today so we have the house all to our selves! So we now have the biggest house either of us have lived in to ours selfs!!! haha. Dont worry... we wont go crazy and burn the house down!....well thats our hope....haha!
    This last week we found 6 New Investigators who each have a family who we hope we will get to teach!  The members are jumping on the wagon with us as we are moving along with the Lords work!!!  We are finnaly seeing some results from our efforts!  Despite the Long hours of painful blisters and heat exaushtion we are very Joyful because of our fellow brothers and sisters are choosing to come closer to Jesus Christ.
    We always have interesting experiences here from talking to homless guys and girls to being stopped by drunks to talking to drunk Prophetesses... haha. Keeps things Interesting!!!!  Always people to talk to, People to share the Gospel with. People to Bring Salvation to....  How great a Cause???
    Sadly enough people have stopped sending letters...besides my mom and six months left?  Its now or never! haha!  I'm Just joking...but really....letters would be nice! ;D
5875 Sentinel Ridge Ln
Cincinnati, OH 45243

  Not to much time to Write you all right now.
Thanks for your love and suport!!!!

Love Much,

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

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Monday, May 14, 2012

Mothers Day!!!!

Dear Readers!!!

     just a short and quick update:

     Mothers day was yesterday!!!  I did get to call home and it was great! it was superb to here from my family and i even got a pleasant surprise from an adopted family member.... defiantly a pleasant surprise!!!  My Family sound amazing!!!  I love them so much!!!  I'm doing amazing in Cincy!!!   Now off to The Work!!!   Dont forget to write me!!! haha!!!

Love you all!!!!

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

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Monday, April 30, 2012


Dear All my faithful Readers,  (if there are any! haha!!)

    Yes transfers was Thursday.  was i transferred?  simple answer: How long have i been in Hayden run this time?  6 weeks right? so if the average stay in a area is regularly to be 6 months, and both me and elder Roberts were doubled in together, its pretty OK to amuse that i wasn't transferred right?  WRONG!!!!   I was transferred! I am now in Cincinnati!  very central of  the city even.  its even the Cincinnati ward!!! so kewl.  I live in a members home in the community of "Indian Hill" were its like mansion after castle after mansion! so i'm pretty safe when i sleep.  haha. (really comfy beds to...)  but our area covers the best of the best and the worst of the worst....really....  Look up "over the Rhine"....or maybe you shouldn't.....  lets just say that its famous....for...reasons.  i
  ts a bike/car/bus area!!!! sweet right?  i'm driving a 2012 ford fusion that has some character.(the last driver hit a lot of curbs) 
   my new address is:

5875 Sentinel Ridge Ln
Cincinnati, OH 45243

   My new companion in Elder Watkins from Bountiful Utah.  He's been out like 5 months. i'm his 2nd companion.   This is still his first area. 
   I have also been called to be a leader in this area, to set a good example and teach the missionaries in  the surrounding areas.  makes thing more busy and have more things i have to do now...not excited about that but am excited for the learning experience.  

   I hope all is well with all of you. i just wanted to thank you for being positive example in my life. so thank you!!!!

Love you all,

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

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Monday, April 23, 2012

Flashback to SpringBoro....

Dear Readers,

   I Always talked about the amazing youth in my last ward, Springboro. I just wanted to take moment to share with you something i finnaly found.   Does any one remeber "a brandnew year"?it was shown to all the churches youth on new years eve 2008 to start off 2009!  I thouraly remember. I was a the new years eve dance (the the blackfoot south stake center) and they stopped the danceing to watch this.   I remeber that i loved the music!!!!!!!!   youtube "a brand new year lds celabration" and you can see what i mean. i found out that the youth from springboro Ohio were a main feature of this event.   No wonder that they were so familair to me!!!!!   we a member found this video for me and now i will give it to you.   It focuses on Brad Zynda, a recent convert who i am now dear friends with. He  is now on his mission: 

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Enjoy and see what i Mean when i say the youth out here are so strong!!!!!  (and thats just a few of them!!!!)

Untill next time,  (and i will do my bes t to make that soon)

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

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Monday, March 26, 2012

"We're Back!!!!"

or, more correctly I'm Back.

  Hello readers!  yes you heard right!  But back where? Well do you remember that one area over a year ago that i was doubled into?  Well that's the one!!! We just had Transfers and I got Doubled out of Springboro and then Doubled into Hayden Run!!!  Yes My Very First Area is also my Fifth Area!!!  My New companion is Elder Ryan Roberts. He is from Weston Idaho (by Preston) and Came out the same time with Elder Mason McClellan(<----- not sure on spelling) who has been his companion in the past also. so he has been out about a year. He is a new DL or District Leader and we are tearing up this area!  well not actually but we are doing some amazing things here!!!!  Within the week and a half here we found 10 new investigators which is more than the last 8 months Combined.  We have a small handful of elite members helping us with this the greatest operation that has ever been on the earth!!!  (yes, i know i kinda made it sound like a Black ops type of thing) This is, REALLY, the Greatest Work any one can ever do!!!!!  It takes on many shapes and types but Missionary work is missionary work and the blessing are always given!!!!  Some of those blessings include but are not excluded to:

Power and strength while you serve the Lord

  • None shall stay you (1:5).

  • You will have the power of God unto the convincing of men (11:21).

  • The gates of hell shall not prevail against you (17:8).

  • Receive "strength such as is not known among men" (24:12).

  • I myself will go with you and be in your midst. Nothing shall prevail against you. (32:3).

  • Your mouth "shall be filled" and you shall "become even as Nephi of old" (D&C 33:8).

  • You're arm will be God's arm. He will be your shield and buckler; He will "gird up" your loins; and put your enemies under your feet (35:14).

  • Power shall rest upon you. You shall have great faith. I will be with you, and go before your face (39:12).

  • Your enemies will not have power over you (44:5).

  • The Lord will stand by you (68:6).

  • No weapon that is formed against you shall prosper (71:9).

  • I will uphold you (93:51).

  • I will bear you up as on eagles' wings; and you shall beget glory and honor to yourself and unto the Lord's name (124:18).

Personal Purity

  • You shall stand blameless before God at the last day (4:2).

  • Your sins will be forgiven you (31:5; 36:1; 60:7; 62:3; 84:61).

  • You will be able to keep God's laws (44:5).

  • The Lord will make you holy, and forgive your sins (60:7).

  • Angels will rejoice over you, and your sins will be forgiven (62:3).


  • It will bring salvation to your soul (4:4).

  • You will be blessed spiritually and temporally; and great shall be your reward (14:11).

  • You will find eternal rest in the Kingdom of my Father (15:6, 16:6).

  • You shall be blessed with eternal life (30:8).

  • You shall be crowned with honor, and glory, and immortality, and eternal life (75:5).


  • Your joy shall be great (18:14-15).


  • You shall have blessings greater than the "treasures of earth" (19:37-38).

  • You shall be laden with sheaves upon your back (31:5; 33:9).

  • I will take care of your flocks (88:72).

  • Your family shall live (31:5). The Lord will prepare a place for your family (31:6). I will provide for your families; and an effectual door shall be opened for them, from henceforth (118:3).

  • I will bless you with a multiplicity of blessings, that you shall not be forsaken, nor your seed be found begging bread (124:90).


  • You will be given a testimony of the words of the prophets (21:9).

  • You shall have revelations (28:8).


  • You shall be preserved (61:10).

  • You shall not be weary in mind, neither darkened, neither in body, limb nor joint … and you shall not go hungry, neither athirst (84:80)

  • A hair from your head shall not fall to the ground unnoticed (84:80, 116).

Teaching and Speaking

  • Your words shall be scripture; shall be the will of the Lord, shall be the mind of the Lord, and shall be the voice of the Lord, and the power of God unto salvation (68:4).

  • It shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man (84:85)

  • You shall have power to declare my word (99:2).

  • You will not be confounded and it shall be given in the very moment what ye shall say (100: 5).

  • The Holy Ghost shall be shed forth in bearing record of all things, whatsoever ye shall say (100:8).

  • By thy word many high ones shall be brought low; and by thy word many low ones shall be exalted (112:8).

The Holy Spirit Will Be With You

  • I will send upon you the Comforter, which shall teach you the truth and the way whither you shall go (79:2).

  • There will I be also, for I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up. (84:88).

    Let it be know that all these are references Just to the Doctrine And Covenants!  How many are in the Bible or Book of Mormon?  how about the Pearl of Great Price?

    I can Personly Testify of every one of these Blessings and know that You to can receive them!!!!! I Know that it is a commandment of God to Share the Gospel!!!! Why Would we not keep the Commandments of God?  He even tells us to prove him wrong!  If you do missionary work. your are entitled to these blessings. Simple as that!!!!  Jesus is the Christ. He Preached the Gospel while he was on the Earth and he now prepares our brothers and sisters to recive the Gospel. But it is Our (all who know the Love of Christ) duty to Gather them in!!! This I bear solemn witness of in the Holy name of My Savoir and Redeemer Jesus Christ, Even Jehovah the Creator. Amen

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

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Monday, February 27, 2012

Hello From Springborogh!!!!

Hello Readers!!!!!!!

          Whats new in yalls part of the world? Bet its not as what kewl as whats happening here!!!!!!  I got to Confirm twins into the church and bestow the gift of the holy ghost. What was kewler was watching one of my converts baptising them (being his daughters). So Kewl!!!!  Also we have a amazing guest going to speak to the mission. i will keep you updated there. Also We got 4 new investigators this last week. 3 are the members of a investigator family and 1 is a 18 year old kid.  they all are super prepared and have been searching for the gospel.  the 18 year old Already Feels that this is what he is looking for. It "just makes sense!"  We have given him the answers to questions that other ministers and pastors haven't given him satisfactory anwers to before!  The Youth know him well and already have befriended him.  It is super sweet.
          Speaking of the youth, I have said time and time again that the youth hear are amazing and last night was no exception to that statement. Me and my Companion got asked to come and be the guest speakers at a Bishops youth fireside that was foucused on: Prioritizing, Goal and plan making and using time wisely (also known as self management).  It what so kewl to see them all respond eagerly to any questions we asked.  The New For Stength of Youth Phamplet was given out last night at well.  It is so kewl but makes me feel old. It truly is amazing. even more so than before and i still thing the corect title should be For the Strength of You(th) for it is really a guide for us all! I really love the questions at the end of each section. I wish they were there in my....youth (man...i just keep getting older). One more funny part about the fire side when they were talking about temple marrage as one of the Biggest priorities in our lives and the comment what made when they were focusing on the young woman, "You must set your heart on marrying in the Temple and it better be to a Return Missionary! Dont settle for the spiritual migets!!!"  The comment was funny and wasent taken as a degradation to those who dont serve but it was ment to show the young women that they needed to set there goals and standards high and if someone dosent share the same high standards they are not worth their time. (the funny part is that it seemed like every eye turned to us when the comment what said.   Talk about ackward!!!!   Still very funny)

      The Letters still arent coming (besides family) and if it wasent for those few i do receive i would be led to think the the west desided to break off an form there own country. but seeing that that would never happen i Know i will be Getting letters soon from all those Friends that love me.
    One good peice of news: I have received my 2nd letter from my dad!!!! Woot!!!!!
    So yall have a reading assinment: Read D & C 121 and 122 and report to me what feelings you recieve. 

   I Love you all, I really Do. Just deal with it!!!

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

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Monday, January 16, 2012


Dear Readers!
    Just a very quick update on whats going on out here!      Our Investigater pool kinda droped around the holidays but now is increasing again!!!   We just had a amazing baptism on the 10th. Lily, thats her name, was so prepared for it. She has been for a long time. she was Confirmed this sunday and asked me to perform that ordinace. It was my first time being the voice in a Confirmation. It is kinda cool to feel the Spirit take over and next thing you know is that your saying "Amen."   Its always a great feeling to know that some one you love is takeing the nessisary steps to come closer to Christ.  Let it be know that hardly any, if any at all, credit goes to me or any of the missionaries that worked with her.   The ward is the greatest missionary orented ward i have seen and Lily is also very sensitive to the Spirit. When we taught her, we didnt do much teaching, she finnished every sentance and started into the next gospel princable we were planning ot teach her.   She is alreadly working on reactivating Less active members and this is her 2 day in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!!!!!!!   
     If i had my camera on me i would attach a picture but sadley i dont.  
    Well untill next time, i wish you the best prayers and most insprational scripture study that the lord can give!    Be firm and steadfast. The the winds and waves of the Addversary are comeing hard agaist us. But we have the power to Endure! (why would we keep that from others we love?)     
    One last quote for ya before i go:  "Preach the Gospel at all times!!!!! And if nessiary, use words"- President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
 Love you all!(weither you like it or not),

-Elder Andrew Anderson
A Missionary in The Great Ohio Columbus Mission
"...Sound Forth The Trumpet..."
"Wherefore, for this cause I gave unto you the commandment that ye should go to The Ohio; and there I will give unto you my law; and there you shall be endowed with power from on high;"

D&C 38:32

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